7 Steps to Help Prevent a Heart Attack


Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, equaling 17.3 million deaths annually. Approximately 635,000 Americans have their first heart attack each year with 2,150 Americans dying daily from heart disease and stroke. (Source: 2015 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics Update)

Lowering your risk factors for heart disease will help you prevent a heart attack.

  1. Make healthy food choices. There are many ways you can adjust your diet to promote heart health. Control portion sizes to avoid excess calories, increase your intake of vitamin and nutrient rich fruits and vegetables, switch from processed grains to whole grains for increased fiber, eliminate trans fats, opt for lean proteins, and reduce sodium intake.
  2. Monitor your blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the development of atherosclerosis, which is the build-up of arterial plaque. This build-up causes narrow arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart leading to increased risk of an artery becoming fully blocked or blood clot formation. Blood pressure is known as the “silent killer”, meaning you usually don’t know you have high blood pressure. It is important to periodically monitor levels. If your average blood pressure is greater than 140/90 mm Hg, discuss with your doctor.
  3. Reduce stress. Stress impacts behaviors and factors which increase heart disease risk, such as high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol consumption, inactivity, and overeating. Use stress management techniques to prevent the negative impacts of stress on your health. Some options for managing stress include regular exercise, consuming a healthy diet, meditation, limiting caffeine intake, and having a strong social network for support.
  4. Be physically active. Your heart is a muscle and it is strengthened through exercise. The stronger your heart, the more blood it can efficiently circulate without straining. More than 150 minutes (2 hours 30 minutes) of moderate exercise every week reduces heart disease risk 30%. Even small increases in activity can significantly reduce risk.
  5. Keep cholesterol within normal limits. High cholesterol levels increase build-up of plaque along artery walls, increasing heart disease risk. There are different types of cholesterol. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is most closely linked with plaque development and increased heart disease risk. Know your levels and take steps to reduce cholesterol levels to normal.
  6. Establish a strong support system. Low levels of support have been linked to increased heart attack risk. Nurture relationships with your friends and family for both mental and physical health.
  7. Maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight or obese, take steps to lose weight. Where you carry excess weight impacts your risk. Excess stomach fat is connected to high blood sugars, elevated blood pressure, and high triglyceride levels, all of which increase heart attack risk.

If you have already had a heart attack, you are at increased risk for another heart attack. There are additional steps you should take to prevent a second heart attack.

For further guidance on steps you can take to lower cholesterol levels and reduce heart attack risk, access the free e-course “How to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Steps” at http://lowercholesterolwithlisa.com.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Health Pro for HealthCentral

Image courtesy of Ohmega1982 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net