High Blood Pressure and Flexibility – What do they have to do with each other?

Flexibility refers to the ability of your joints to move through a full range of motion. How flexible you are in a particular joint is connected to the muscle length that attaches to that joint and how far that muscle will stretch. Having flexibility in your muscles allows for greater movement around joints. The shorter and less flexible the muscle, the tighter the joint.

What Does Flexibility Have to Do with High Blood Pressure?

Increased flexibility reduces your risk for injuries or sprains when you are physically active. Being regularly active is essential if you want to promote long term healthy blood pressure levels or want to lower high blood pressure.

As another plus, developing your flexibility keeps muscles relaxed and reduces tension that can result in headaches and back pains.

Stretching after your workout, when your muscles are warm, is a good way to increase your flexibility and help protect yourself from injury.

How Flexible Are You?

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
7 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure