Agent Orange was used in Vietnam between 1961 and 1971. It is a specific blend of herbicides used to remove leaves from trees in the thick jungle canopy which may hide enemy forces.. Many Vietnam veterans were exposed to the Agent Orange herbicides.
How is Agent Orange Linked to Heart Disease
The Agent Orange Act of 1991 was passed by Congress due to uncertainty surrounding the health effects of Agent Orange exposure on Vietnam veterans. This act led the Institute of Medicine to review scientific and medical information connecting Agent Orange exposure to health effects.
Here’s a few details on how the Health Care Reform Bill impacts the Healthy Aging Program and funds the Child Obesity Demonstration Project.
Healthy Aging: Preventive Services for Adults 55-64
A grant program for state and local health departments and Indian tribes will be established. The grant will be used to provide public health interventions, preventive screenings, and referral/treatment for chronic diseases for individuals 55-64 years-old. Some of the intervention activities include improved nutrition and increased physical activity levels.
Child Obesity Demonstration Project
The Child Obesity Demonstration Project will be fully funded with $25 million. The goal of the project will be to reduce childhood obesity in community-based settings, including schools. The project will provide education, counseling and training activities.
Here are two foods containing nutrients that will promote a lower blood pressure:
1. Garlic
Garlic is a source of allicin, which has been shown to lower blood pressure. Around 10,000 mg of allicin (~4 garlic cloves) is needed daily for a blood pressure lowering effect. Studies show the average reduction in systolic blood pressure to be 5-8 mm Hg. Important to note – not all forms of garlic are equal! Cultivated garlic, aged garlic, wild cultivated garlic, fresh garlic, and long-acting garlic preparations have variable effects.
Pistachios are also a good source of copper, manganese, vitamin B6, thiamin, magnesium, and phosphorous. They also provide lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids associated with a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration.
But, how do pistachios positively impact cholesterol and heart health?
Dr. Ryan Bentley, president of The Wellness Prescription, is one of the featured experts for the teleseries intensive Conversations with the Masters of Healing starting next week!
Dr. Ryan Bentley will be sharing:
Why cholesterol may NOT be the culprit of heart disease as previously thought,
The reason statins are being implicated for a number of serious side effects,
What’s the connection between sexual dysfunction and low cholesterol, and
Using functional medicine to diagnose heart disease and treat the whole person versus just a symptom.
Good news! My friend JJ Virgin, Celebrity Health and Nutrition Expert, is once again sharing her best insider secrets for losing weight and getting fit in record time.
If you don’t know JJ, you should. JJ is the secret weapon celebrities go to for losing (and keeping) the weight off and having a rock star body.
The thing about JJ is that you may be surprised at what you hear from her. It’s not the same old advice you read in the latest fashion or lifestyle magazine. In fact, a lot of that advice is – to put it frankly – not worth the paper it’s printed on. (You probably already intuitively know this based on how “great” your results have been following THAT advice.)
Now you might be wondering why I’m sending this to you…
Here’s what celebrities and successful people from all walks of life know:
The way you look and feel about yourself DIRECTLY impacts your happiness, satisfaction with life, your loved ones, and even your income and success in business.
How to take your inspired WHY and use it to keep you motivated for the long haul
The top foods that could be making you hold onto FALSE FAT and cause cravings
How to DRAMATICALLY improve your health and energy literally overnight
How to turn up the volume on your workouts (hint, they should never get easier!) to ACCELERATE your results big time
How to break out of the fitness and food RUTS that hold you back
New workouts, new veggies, and new recipes that you will LOVE and can incorporate into your life right now
I can’t emphasize enough how powerful and life-changing JJ’s information is when you apply it to your life. Ready to UPLEVEL your game in a serious way? Don’t miss this opportunity…
Here’s the link to reserve your spot in this complimentary teleclass:
PS How would it feel to have the confidence to know you always look fantastic no matter what? How about not feeling tired all the time? Reserve your space on this free call before you forget:
PPS – And just so you know, I do have an affiliate relationship with JJ and receive a referral fee for everyone that goes into her programs through my link above.