Protein and Weight Loss – How Does Protein Affect Weight Loss?

Fat, protein, and carbohydrates are all essential to your overall health. When you are working to lose weight it’s important that you do not cut any one nutrient too low. Let’s focus on your protein intake.

Types of Protein

Protein is made up of 20 building blocks called amino acids. Eleven of these amino acids are nonessential and nine are essential. This means the body is unable to create nine of these amino acids on its own and must receive them from food sources. Dietary protein is divided into two categories – complete and incomplete. A complete protein contains all nine of the essential amino acids. An incomplete protein lacks one or more of the essential amino acids. This is more of a concern if you are vegetarian and consume limited animal food sources. If this is your situation I recommend working one-on-one with a dietitian to ensure you are using complementary proteins to meet your nutritional needs.

Function of Protein

Carbohydrates and fat are the body’s primary energy sources, but protein fills many other crucial roles in the body. Here are a few:

• Forms structural components of the body – muscle contractile tissue, connective tissue, cell membranes, and bone matrix.
• Maintains fluid balance.
• Regular acid-base (pH) balance of blood.
• Formation of hormones and enzymes.
• Immune function (antibodies are proteins).

The role of protein is directly related to weight maintenance is several ways. The hormones and enzymes produced regulate sleep, digestion, and ovulation. Protein slows digestion promoting steady blood sugar levels. Steady blood sugar levels prevent insulin spikes that can lead to increased fat storage. Improper fluid balance can lead to water retention and corresponding weight gain.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Top 5 Key Strategies to Lose Weight Permanently

5 Simple Holiday Substitutions to Save Calories

Preventing holiday weight gain does not mean you need to deprive yourself of your favorite holiday foods! Simple recipe substitutions can save you calories without sacrificing the taste you love.

Five Tips for a Healthier Holiday:

1. Applesauce or Plum Puree: Use canned applesauce or plum puree in your holiday cookie, cake and pie recipes as a healthier alternative to replace butter and oils.

2. Pumpkin: Use canned pumpkin for more than pumpkin pie. Add canned pumpkin to mashed potatoes in place of heavy cream or butter.

3. Broths: Substitute chicken or beef broth for oil when sauteing meats and vegetables. Choose broth low in sodium for an even healthier choice that’s still full of flavor.

4. Cranberry Sauce: Use cranberry sauce to top your turnkey instead of pilling on the gravy.

5. Cocoa: Replace chocolate in baking recipes with 3 tablespoons of cocoa for every 1 ounce of chocolate.

Making healthy recipe substitutions is just one step towards preventing holiday weight gain. Join dietitians Ursula Ridens RD and Lisa Nelson RD for the free teleclass “10 Secrets to Survive the Holidays Without Gaining Weight”. You’ll learn more about steps you can take to stop holiday weight gain and have your specific questions answered. Go to to sign up!

Heart Healthy Diet – DASH for More than Just Blood Pressure

The DASH Diet has been proven to lower blood pressure in as little as two weeks. Researchers are interested in the impact of the DASH diet on other aspects of heart health.

A new study looked at the DASH diets effect on heart failure in women. Out of over 36,000 women between the ages of 48-83, those who followed a diet closest to the DASH diet were 37% less likely to develop heart failure. Heart failure is when the heart becomes unable to pump enough blood to meet blood and oxygen needs, typically leading to an enlarged heart. It’s estimated that 5.7 million American’s are living with heart failure. This recent study shows that the DASH diet may decrease heart failure due to reduced blood pressure and lower LDL cholesterol levels.

The DASH diet is reduced in total and saturated fat and rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods can significantly lower blood pressure.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Heart Healthy Tips

Combat Holiday Weight Gain with a Battle Plan

The holidays can be a big hurdle in a weight loss/health plan. Holidays don’t mean you can’t enjoy the good food and desserts.

Here are 5 tips for a healthier holiday:

  1. Plan Ahead – It will help if you have a plan in place ahead of time. Decide if you are going to have seconds in advance and what you are going to have seconds of. For example, mashed potatoes and gravy can be loaded with calories and fat, so opt for seconds of a healthier salad or other side dish. Be sure to plan out the desserts, too. If pecan pie is a weakness, put in place a realistic plan. One slice and a cookie. . .?
  2. Low Calorie Snacks – While you are visiting and waiting for the main meal to be served, snack wisely. Select low calorie veggies to much on versus fatty appetizers. “Save” your calories for the meal.
  3. Socialize – Take the time during your holiday meal to catch up with family and friends. This will slow down how quickly you eat and are running back for seconds. You may find that you’re full and not need that second helping!
  4. Watch the Liquid Calories – A glass of wine can add 120 calories and egg nog 340! Do you really need a second glass?
  5. Prepare a Healthier Dish – Is your holiday gathering a potluck? If so, prepare a healthy alternative you like.

These are just a few steps you take to prevent holiday weight gain. Join dietitians Ursula Ridens RD and Lisa Nelson RD for the free teleclass “10 Secrets to Survive the Holidays Without Gaining Weight”. You’ll learn more about steps you can take to stop holiday weight gain and have your specific questions answered. Go to to sign up!

Weight Loss – 4 Tips to Get Back the Slimmer You

Overeating is an epidemic problem the past 3-4 decades. Since the 1970’s dietary changes have lead to an average of 18.9 additional pounds per adult. To return to slimmer times, everyone would need to cut ~500 calories everyday. As always, this is easier said than done; however, here are four tips to help you get on track:

1. Don’t rely on will power.

If you know the oreos in your cupboard will “call your name” until they are gone, don’t buy them. Keep them out of reach.

2. Set rules for yourself.

If you enjoy pop and popcorn with a movie, limit yourself to small serving sizes and no re-fill. You need to be careful when setting rules that you don’t start feeling deprived. Feelings of deprivation can backfire and lead to binges.

3. Plan your meals.
Planning in advance is a significant step in the right direction. By planning meals ahead you don’t have to think when in a hurry, you already know what you’re having and

4. Motivate yourself.
What’s the benefit to you if you reduce calories by 500 each day? Improved self confidence, more energy, better health? Find whatever rings true to you as the bottom line for why you need to make diet changes.

Receive a step by step plan to promote weight loss with a Mini Diet Makeover. As a special New Year’s bonus you’ll recieve a complimentary copy of the Calorie Counter for Dummies. Learn more here –

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Top 5 Key Strategies to Lose Weight Permanently

9 Easy Tips to Lower Your Blood Pressure (and Feel Better, Too)

If you have high blood pressure, don’t panic! There are some really easy ways to lower it and most of them involve modifications to your current lifestyle. So before you feel as though all hope is lost, try out one of these methods first.

1. Quit Smoking:
Using tobacco in any form can contribute to high blood pressure. Smoking can work against you if you are trying to lower your blood pressure. So if you smoke, quit—it’s as easy as that!

2. Eliminate Salty Foods: Foods that have high sodium levels can contribute to high blood pressure. The body holds onto the salt and this can mean a higher blood pressure in the end. If you use table salt, work to eliminate it. If you eat foods that are very high in sodium, look for healthier substitutes.

3. Keep Your Alcohol Consumption to a Minimum:
If you drink alcohol too frequently, it can be a factor in high blood pressure. It can be a good idea to eliminate alcohol altogether while you are working to lower your blood pressure. At a minimum, keep your drinks to no more than one drink per day.

4. Learn How to Cope with Stress:
Stress is one of the biggest culprits in high blood pressure. If you don’t learn how to properly manage your stress levels, you are bound to continue to suffer from this condition. Keep the stress to a minimum, and learn healthy ways of dealing with it.

5. Turn to Alternative Methods: There are certain herbs and methods such as acupuncture that are said to lower blood pressure in a healthier way. Under the care of a trained professional, these alternative methods can offer healthy ways of bringing your numbers down.

6. Eat Garlic: It may sound silly, but garlic is one of the most important foods in your quest to bring your blood pressure down. Eating garlic each and every day is said to bring down your blood pressure levels, and will ensure that you feel a whole lot better in the process.

7. Get Moving: Regular exercise is an excellent way to bring down your blood pressure and ensure that you feel better. Get moving however you can and be sure to include moderate exercise in your weekly routine all the time. You will feel better and like what you see with your blood pressure.

8. Eat a Well Balance Diet: Focus on all of the food groups to make up a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet. Making smart food choices and learning to cook healthy meals for yourself will ensure that you feel better and that your blood pressure level stays in a proper range.

9. See Your Doctor: If you have ever suffered with high blood pressure or are worried about it, be sure to keep regular checkups with your doctor. They can help you to monitor it and ensure that you are making progress.

If you have high blood pressure, it is not a problem that you need to suffer with your whole life. There are some easy ways to lower it and to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the process. You will feel better and be doing your part to bring your levels down to a healthy range.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
7 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

M. Ward blogs about how to study to obtain an online BSN degree.