Heart Health

4 Week Compassionate Forgiveness Teleseries

I mentioned my colleague Brenda Adelman in a post a few days ago: Heart Health and Weight Loss – Are emotions holding you back?

I’m excited to share that she has extended her invitation to join her 4 Week Compassionate Forgiveness Teleseries for another week. This good news for you because there are only 3 weeks left she’s giving each and every participant who starts the class this Thursday, June 18th an additional one-on-one telecoaching forgiveness breakthrough session with her. She’s a transformational life coach. During your session she will help you delve into where you are not living your full potential by helping you identify where you are judging yourself, blaming yourself for choices you have or haven’t made or beating yourself up. Then she’ll help guide you to transform your judgments into self-love and honoring action steps. For an idea of how she works and the possibilities for breakthroughs in your own life she’s generously included a link here to her last two part series on the Power of Healthy Boundary Setting.


Did I mention what qualifies her to not only teach on this tough topic but also why she’s so passionate about helping her clients and basically everyone who is around her? Brenda’s father shot and killed her mother in 1995 and then married her aunt. Brenda lived and learned first hand what holding on to anger and resentment does and was able to not only let go of her rage and transform it to love but she also learned how to teach others to also experience freedom and joy again even after they didn’t think it was possible.

In this four week Compassionate Forgiveness Telecoaching Series you will blast through what’s been stopping you from really feeling happy. In these four 90-minute sessions you will dive into the work that’s needed in order to start feeling better and you’ll have Brenda, M.A. In Spiritual Psychology and the other group members by your virtual side for support.

You can learn more about the teleseries here – Compassionate Forgiveness Telecoaching Series

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Be Heart Healthy and Lose Weight

Flaxseed and cholesterol – 3 Ways to Use Flax to Reduce Heart Disease

Flaxseed is a great diet addition if you are looking to reduce your risk for heart disease. Flaxseed is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, and phytochemical lignans.

Flax is an option for individuals that dislike fish, but want to boost their intake of omega 3 fatty acids which are known to decrease heart disease risk by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Also, the fiber content makes meals “heavier” so you feel full longer, decreasing your likelihood to overeat. The fiber also promotes a lower LDL cholesterol level. Flaxseed lignans have been linked to cancer protection.

Aim for adding 1 teaspoon of flax oil to your diet each day or 1 tablespoon of milled flax. Adding flax to your diet is very simple. Here are a few options:

1. Flaxseed must be ground in order for your body to utilize the omega 3 fatty acids within, so buy your flaxseed ground and add to cereal, yogurt, salads, baked goods, and hot dishes. You are able to grind whole flaxseed with a coffee grinder or blender. Be sure to keep ground flaxseed refrigerated!

2. Flax oil can be used as part of a salad dressing or in recipes that call for oil. Flax oil contains the beneficial omega 3’s, but no fiber.

3. Use flaxseed as a recipe substitute for fat and eggs. Substitute 3 tablespoons ground flax for 1 tablespoon butter, shortening, or vegetable oil. To use flax in place of eggs, mix 1 tablespoon ground flax with 3 tablespoons water and let mixture set until gel like (1-2 minutes). Use mixture in place of 1 egg.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
How to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Steps

How Many Calories Per Day – Is less really best?

Have you ever been frustrated by not losing weight even when you feel like you’ve done everything possible to cut down on calories?

So is less really best when it comes to how many calories per day we eat? One might think that reducing calories is the most direct way to manage weight. However, this can backfire, especially with eating less than 1200 calories per day (or higher in some individuals). When one cuts their calories down too low the body’s metabolism (the rate at which we burn calories) can become compromised and slow down. This happens as the body senses starvation and switches into conservation mode, burning fewer calories so that the available calories go to vital body organs. As a result of a slower metabolism the body can’t burn calories as efficiently which can slow down and/or prevent weight loss. Does this sound familiar? Many diets actually result in deprivation gone-too-far and slow the metabolism.

The solution in this case is to eat more (and ditch the diet)! By gradually increasing your calorie level with healthful food choices and eating at regular intervals you will be optimizing your metabolism.

Of course, there are times when reducing calories is appropriate by replacing high fat or high sugar foods with healthier options. However, ask yourself it’s possible that you’ve cut out too many calories. You might be wondering how you would know this. Here are some possible signs of calorie intake being too low…

  • Extreme hunger
  • Fatigue
  • Cravings
  • Weight plateaus (i.e. not losing any more weight)
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Irritability
  • Shakiness, lightheadedness, dizziness

Adequately determining how many calories per day is just one of many factors that affect weight loss. To drastically increase your success with losing weight and keeping it off you must wade through all the weight loss information available and sort out what works from what doesn’t. Many methods used to lose weight are ineffective and some may even sabotage your weight loss efforts. Sign up for the FREE teleclass The 5 Biggest Dieting Myths Revealed to learn which weight loss strategies really work. Visit https://www.lisanelsonrd.com/newu/call.html to learn more today.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
5 Biggest Dieting Myths Revealed

Heart Health and Weight Loss – Are emotions holding you back?

Many people struggle with following a heart healthy diet and losing weight due to emotional struggles. For that reason I want to share with you a fantastic resource to help you work through the emotional hurdle of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a journey, not an event. Brenda Adelman is holding a four week Compassionate Forgiveness Telecoaching Series that will blast you through what’s been stopping you from really feeling happy. In these four 90-minute sessions you will dive into the work that’s needed in order to start feeling better and you’ll have Brenda and the other group members by your virtual side for support.

Here’s what some recent participants in the telecoaching series had to say:

“Finally, I really do have compassion, actual compassion, for the ways I can be. And that has been a huge breakthrough in Self-Forgiveness.”

“Thank you Brenda, and to the group as a whole, for this class, and for helping me get back in touch with my better parts.”

“I want to thank you for helping me get unstuck from such an OLD pattern that had returned. I really was mired down in it. You’re a great energy mover (I’m a 2nd degree reiki practitioner, among other things) besides your many other talents.”

Have you been wronged or betrayed and can’t let go of your anger?
Does the hurt of the past still haunt you?
Are you filled with self-judgment and beat yourself up constantly for the choices you’ve made or didn’t make?

Are you ready to learn how to let go of your resentments so you can experience more freedom? If you are Brenda can help you. Everything she teaches she’s lived.

Go to https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?cl=19792&c=ib&aff=40122 to find out how you can join this intimate forgiveness gathering and start experiencing more peace today.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Heart Healthy Tips

Heart Disease and Trans Fats – Are you among the 20%?

A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that most American’s know they need to avoid trans fats, but only 20% actually knew which foods contained trans fats.

Trans fat is a processed fat, produced as a by-product when hydrogen is added to make a substance more solid at room temperature. For example, margarine is hydrogenated vegetable oil – hydrogen was added and the by-product trans fat is produced. Although, it should be noted that many margarine’s have changed production procedures so the trans fatty acid by-product is not produced. Trans fats are just as bad for heart health (if not worse) than saturated fats. Trans fat increased LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and lowers HDL (good) cholesterol.

Trans fats, also known as hydrogenated oils, are artificially produced in the laboratory by adding extra hydrogen atoms to unsaturated vegetable oils. They have long been a favorite of the food industry for their increased shelf life over conventional oils. Unlike natural fats, however, trans fats have no nutritional value and drastically increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and death. Like saturated fats, they increase the body’s levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, but unlike those fats they also lower its levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol.

Many processed foods contain trans fat, such as baked and fried foods, so read the food labels. As of January 2006, most manufacturers are required to list trans fatty acid content on the food label. Also, check the ingredient list for the words “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” as a sign that the product contains trans fat.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Be Heart Healthy and Lose Weight

How to Use Calcium to Lower Blood Pressure

calcium and blood pressure

The link between calcium and blood pressure was noticed years ago when researchers realized people drinking hard water had less high blood pressure than those drinking soft water. Hard water contains more minerals, including calcium.

Individuals receiving more than 800 mg of calcium daily have a 23 percent decreased risk of high blood pressure versus those consuming less than 400 mg of calcium per day.

Back in 1996, scientists compiled all the research to date on calcium and high blood pressure. The results showed calcium supplements given to individuals with high blood pressure lowered systolic blood pressure (top number) an average of 4.3 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) 1.5 mm Hg.

Some people respond better to supplemental calcium than others. Those with the best results include African-Americans, elderly, pregnant women, menopausal women, people with salt-sensitivity, individuals with a high sodium intake, and those with Type II diabetes.

For the best results, don’t rely on a supplement alone. Work to increase your intake of calcium containing foods – dairy. To promote heart health, select low fat dairy products, such as low fat milk, cheeses, and yogurts.

Additional calcium sources:

Leafy greens (i.e. kale, collard, turnip, mustard greens)
Canned Salmon
Calcium fortified Orange Juice
Tofu (if made with calcium carbonate)

For even better results, supplement calcium along with vitamin D. One study supplemented women 1200 mg of calcium to reduce blood pressure. When they added 800 IU of vitamin D, systolic blood pressure decreased an average of 9.3 percent.

Don’t forget three other minerals affect how effective calcium – potassium, magnesium, and sodium. For calcium to have the greatest positive effect on blood pressure, your levels of these three nutrients need to be adequate as well.

For additional steps to lower blood pressure, check out the free e-course 7 Naturals Ways to Lower Blood Pressure.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD

Image courtesy of alex_ugalek at freedigitalphotos.net