Heart Health

A Blood Pressure Drop as Temperatures Rise?

More interesting research findings I want to share.

A French study found a link between the weather and blood pressure, especially for individuals over the age of 80. As temperatures dropped 25 degrees, such as change from summer to winter, systolic blood pressure (top number) increased 5.0 mmHg.

Hmmm, another reason to retire in the tropics!

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
7 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Increase Physical Activity – How to increase physical activity and improve heart health

You want to be more physically active, but how do you find the time? And just how much activity do you have to do?

The number one reason people are not more active is time. We now know that accumulating short bouts of activity throughout the day to reach a total of 30 minutes most days a week provides comparable benefits to completing 30 minutes of activity all at once. There are many ways to increase your physical activity level by simply putting a twist on activities you already complete daily.

Here are some examples of how to boost your fitness when at home and work.


Nothing beats increasing physical activity at home. No time wasted traveling to a gym and you can wear and look however you want! Many typical home activities result in an increased heart rate and strength building. Some examples include mowing/raking the lawn, shoveling snow, vacuuming, mopping, unloading the car, carrying groceries, and taking out the trash. Now take these everyday activities and add a little something extra. How about lunges while you vacuum, arm curls while carry your grocery bags, calf raises while brushing your teeth, and actually squatting when accessing bottom shelves? Do you log more hours than you care to admit in front of the TV? Take advantage of the commercial breaks to do 3 minutes of sit-ups or push-ups.

At the Office

Start your day by arriving at work a few minutes early so you have time to park your car farther away or if you take the bus, get off early and walk the last couple blocks. This is a simple way to add 10-15 minutes of activity to your day while also giving you some much needed time to yourself. Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator to reach your office. Be sure to take two 15 minute breaks during an eight hour work day. Use your break time to boost your fitness level by stretching or taking a walk around the building. If time gets away from you, schedule your computer to provide a “break time” reminder. Short breaks for activity throughout your work day have the added benefit of clearing your mind, boosting your energy, and making your work time more productive. Other ways to increase your activity level at work include finding a longer route to the bathroom or coffee machine and walking to a co-workers office versus reaching for the phone. A pedometer is a great tool for monitoring your activity when at the office. You can set goals to try to increase the number of steps you walk each day to improve your fitness level.

Achieving your fitness goals does not require a fancy gym membership or expensive exercise machine. A little creativity goes a long ways. Don’t miss part 2, which will include tips to boost activity when traveling, running errands, and caring for children.

Read part 2 with tips to boost physical activity here.

If you want regular support achieving your fitness and health goals, subscribe to The Heart of Health today! Now get off the couch and get moving!

Heart Health – Are Omega 6's Good or Bad?

I and other experts so frequently discuss omega 3 fatty acids and the health benefits that you may think all other types of fat are “bad”. That’s not the case. There are many types of heart healthy fats, including omega 6 fatty acids. At least 5-10% of your daily calories should come from omega 6 fatty acids. Some sources of omega 6’s are safflower, sunflower, and soybean oils. Replacing unhealthy fats in your diet with heart healthy unsaturated fats (such as omega 6’s) can decreased coronary heart disease by 24%.

The problem comes from our diets containing too much omega 6. The typical American diet is very high in omega 6 fatty acids. This leads to problems with inflammation when the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 intake is drastically distorted and is why you don’t hear experts recommending you increase omega 6’s in your diet. You probably have more than enough already and need to work on balancing your omega 6’s with omega 3’s to promote optimal heart health.

February is American Heart Month. In recognition of American Heart Month you can access Heart Health Made Easy at a 25% savings. Learn more about this take action guide to lower cholesterol and blood pressure at http://www.hearthealthmadeeasy.com.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Be Heart Healthy and Lose Weight

Why am I always hungry? Are women biologically hungrier than men?

Do you frequently ask yourself – why am I always hungry?

I just read an interesting study I want to share with you. This research was done at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Thirteen men women and 10 men were asked about their favorite foods, taught a cognitive inhibition technique, and then were asked to fast overnight. The next day they received brain scans as they were presented their favorite foods. Results showed all participants indicated the cognitive-inhibition technique helped reduce their level of hunger. Interestingly, only men’s brains showed a decrease in hunger signals. Even though women stated they were less hungry, the brain scans showed their brains firing away signals to eat.

Maybe this is one reason the incidence of obesity is higher for women. It’s speculated that the difference is biological and women are programmed to eat whenever food is available as part of the ingrained need to provide nutrition to children.

February is American Heart Month. In recognition of American Heart Month you can access Heart Health Made Easy at a 25% savings. Learn more about this take action guide to lower cholesterol and blood pressure at http://www.hearthealthmadeeasy.com.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
The Best Way to Lose Weight

Physical Activity Benefits – Why should you be active?

Okay, in the previous two posts, we’ve covered how much physical activity is needed and I mentioned different intensities requiring different time commitments.

A simple measure of your workout intensity is the talk test. If you can carry on a conversation while taking a breath every 3-4 words, you’re probably at a moderate intensity level. If you are working out hard enough that you can only say a few words and in order to say more you have to stop to catch your breath, you’ve most likely hit a vigorous activity level.

What physical activity benefits can you expect to see by being more active this year? Here are a few:

  • Improved fitness and bone health.
  • Decreased coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and colon and breast cancer.
  • Less depression.
  • Fewer falls and better cognitive ability for older adults.
  • Better pain management, function, and quality of life if you suffer from arthritis.

All right, now don’t just read this without taking action. Look at the upcoming week. Where can you add a walk or extra trip to the gym to boost your activity level closer to the desired 2 ½ hours per week?

There are 1440 minutes each day. Only 30 of them need to be active!

February is American Heart Month. In recognition of American Heart Month you can access Heart Health Made Easy at a 25% savings. Learn more about this take action guide to lower cholesterol and blood pressure at http://www.hearthealthmadeeasy.com.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD

Healthy Ways to Lower Blood Pressure – Hibiscus Tea and the Link with High Blood Pressure

If you are prehypertensive or have mild high blood pressure a study has found that drinking hibiscus tea may help lower your blood pressure. A study followed 65 individuals aged 30-70 years-old with initial blood pressure readings of 120-150/<95. Individuals were split into two groups, with one group drinking three cups of hibiscus tea daily. Those consuming the tea saw a 6.2 mmHg drop in systolic blood pressure (top number).

Hibiscus is a common ingredient in herbal teas, providing a fruity, tart taste and red color. Hibiscus is also a good source of anthocyanins, flavones, flavonols, and phenolic acids. This isn’t the first study to show a link between hibiscus tea and reduced blood pressure.

February is American Heart Month. In recognition of American Heart Month you can access Heart Health Made Easy at a 25% savings. Learn more about this take action guide to lower cholesterol and blood pressure at http://www.hearthealthmadeeasy.com.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
7 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure