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The company I license with to provide weight loss programs entered a contest! Please click the link below to vote for us. Look for the “Vote for Me” button beneath the Real Living Nutrition Services logo.
Thank you!
Lisa Nelson, RD, LN
If you’re making mashed potatoes or many other potato dishes, what do you do? Cube the potatoes and throw them in a pot of water to boil? If you want to hang on to the potassium potatoes offer, it’s best to boil the potato whole – skin and all. When potatoes are cubed or shredded then boiled, studies show a 75% loss of potassium.
Also, good news if you like to soak your potatoes in water overnight. Soaking potatoes does not result in a significant loss of nutrients to the water they’re soaked in.
For regular heart health and weight loss tips from dietitian Lisa Nelson, be sure to sign up for The Heart of Health ezine.
Summer vacation’s have come to a close. The girls and I returned home from about 3 weeks in Kansas on August 11th and hit the road for 4 days in Glacier National Park August 13th.
It meant another 8 hours on the road. . .spending this much time on the road back to back wasn’t our original plan. We had intended to visit Glacier in June, but after starting to plan to trip quickly learned June is not the best time to visit Glacier (trails are still snow packed).
Glacier is another beautiful park. I learned something new. I always thought it was named Glacier after the glacier’s present in the park today (down to 20), but it’s named Glacier after glaciers from millions of years ago that formed all the valleys and peak’s.
The two main goals of our visit included driving the Going to the Sun Road and seeing Grinnell Glacier (only glacier accessible via a trail). Beautiful views and features visible from the Going to the Sun Road (hard to believe it was constructed in the 20’s!).
We took in a couple short hikes, also. Here’s Katelyn getting a free ride.
Also, took a boat tour on St. Mary Lake (average depth 289 feet!).
We really enjoyed the hike to Grinnell Glacier. It was 12 miles round-trip (yes, we hiked it with a 2 year-old and 8 month-old!). We did shorten it 2 miles by catching a boat ferry back across a lake, so 10 mile hike for us.
Both girls did very well. Katelyn could hike up to a half-mile before needing back in the back-pack carrier. Keira was a trooper. I had to do some jogging on the way back down to make sure we caught the ferry across the lake (Eric and Katelyn were way ahead of us) and Keira just giggled while bouncing along. Here she is taking an afternoon nap while mom hiked.
We had lunch on the trail, saw wildlife (big horn sheep was perched directly over the trail), and had to hike through a small waterfall (which felt very good on the way back down!).
Here are a couple pictures about a half mile from our destination – Grinnell Glacier. Eric decided he needed to cool off (don’t blame him, Katelyn is pushing 40 pounds!). Keira’s all smiles at our pit stop and Katelyn shows off her hiking skills.
We made it! Here’s Grinnell Glacier. It covers 300 acres. Not sure its depth, but we learned in order to be classified a glacier it must be at least 100-150 feet thick. The pictures don’t do it justice, but you can pick out some of the large rocks stuck in the ice. I believe the rangers said Grinnell Glacier is the fastest melting glacier in the park.
We’ll have to add a new entry to the baby books – “Baby’s First Glacier”!
That’s our last road trip for awhile! A great place to visit, but it’s good to be home and get everything back in order.
As incentive to kick off a healthy fall season, I have planned a September bonus. Be sure to sign up for The Heart of Health to receive details on the September bonus, as well as, regular heart health and weight loss tips!
All the best,
Lisa Nelson, RD, LN
Canned vegetables are high in sodium, while frozen vegetables (without added sauces) usually have no added sodium. Buy the large economy size bags, pour out the amount you need for your meal, close the bag with zip closure or twist tie and stick back in the freezer until next time!
Making this change will significantly reduce your sodium intake, promote blood pressure control and heart health!
Be sure to sign up for regular heart health and weight loss tips through The Heart of Health ezine!
This is another question I was asked recently. Here’s the answer:
Sleep apnea increases your risk for high blood pressure, which then increases your risk of heart disease, which then increases your heart attack risk. A vicious chain of events!
The quickest and easiest way to know if sleep apnea is causing your blood pressure to rise is to check your blood pressure when you wake up in the morning and compare it to a blood pressure reading later in the day. Discuss what you learn with your MD.
All the best,
Lisa Nelson, RD, LN
Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
P.S. Don’t forget to get your FREE report “Stop Wasting Money – Take Control of Your Health” when you subscribe to The Heart of Health ezine!
Holidays are especially tricky when it comes to sticking to healthy eating. All that candy. . . .I had a challenge this year trying to figure out how to do a fun Easter egg hunt for my two year-old that didn’t include candy in every egg. I liked the idea I came up with so much I decided to share it. We (my husband and I) got her a Dr. Seuss book. I scanned the cover and printed it off on cardstock. We then cut the picture into 9 large puzzle pieces. Put a piece in each egg and after she found all the eggs containing pieces she put the puzzle together and received the actual book! She had fun and I was happy she didn’t receive a ton of candy (we still included candy in a few eggs).
Hope you enjoyed your holiday:)
Lisa Nelson, RD, LN