Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol for Pet Owners

According to several studies have found pet owners tend to have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels than those who do not own a pet. Here are a few possible reasons owning a pet improves cholesterol and blood pressure:

1. Stress relief – Many people find petting and interacting with a pet to be soothing.

2. Increased reason for activity – If you own a pet that needs a walk, you have an increased reason to get exercise yourself.

3. Support – For many pet owners there pet is someone that is always there for them no matter what.

Owning a pet promotes an overall healthier lifestyle. You get out and exercise with your pet, whether it’s a walk, run, or playtime. You have a nonjudgmental party to share your struggles with. You get out and socialize more, whether you head to a local dog park or simply have pet ownership as an easy conversation topic. Plus, pets promote family time as everyone pitches in to care for a furred loved one.

Be sure to sign up for the free e-course “7 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure” at http://lowerbloodpressurewithlisa.com.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD