diet to lower cholesterol

Lower Cholesterol at Every Meal, Every Day

High cholesterol levels increase your risk for heart disease. Felicia D. Stoler, DCN, the author of “Living Skinny in Fat Genes”, shares some fresh ideas on how you can lower cholesterol at every meal.

Lisa Nelson RD: We can now find many grocery options with “cholesterol free” labeling. What does “cholesterol free” mean?

Dr. Stoler: In a nutshell, a food that says it is “cholesterol free” means it has NO animal products in it.  It’s a bit misleading… for example, apples can say they are “cholesterol free”.

Lisa Nelson RD: Should consumers disregard “cholesterol fee” labeling? If so, what should they look at instead when selecting heart healthy products?

Dr. Stoler: I always tell people to look at calories, fiber, and fat. If it’s a food that has fiber, does it have the most (across brands) fiber per serving. When it comes to fat, does it have lower fat than other comparable products?

Lisa Nelson RD: What are some great breakfast tips to promote lower cholesterol levels?

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Heart Health: Are you selecting whole grains?

By selecting whole grains you consume more nutrient dense foods that provide higher fiber content . . . all of which equals a heart healthy choice. Whole grain products contain all layers of the whole grain – the bran, the germ, and the endosperm. When it comes to selecting whole grains, you have many more options than just being sure to grab 100% whole wheat bread when grocery shopping. There are many whole grain varieties available to you.


Oats almost never having the bran or germ removed during processing. This means when you read a food label and see oats or oat flour listed as an ingredient, it’s safe to know this is a whole grain ingredient. Oatmeal has been linked to lower cholesterol levels.
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Lower Cholesterol with 3 Diet Shifts

Dietary changes can result in lower cholesterol levels. By making dietary changes to promote lower cholesterol levels you’ll be able to work with your doctor to gradually wean off medication and eliminate negative medication side effects. And the diet changes don’t have to be hard!

Here are three examples of simple diet shifts that will promote a lower cholesterol.

Diet Shift #1 – Replace eggs & bacon with oatmeal & fruit.

If your standard breakfast consists of cholesterol laden fried eggs and a side of fat (okay, bacon) swap this out for a bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh berries and ground flaxseed. The whole grain oatmeal will promote lower cholesterol levels, blood sugar control, and help you feel full longer. Antioxidant rich berries will help reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol that leads to plaque build up, while flaxseed is a rich source of heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids.

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