If you had a heart attack do you think you’d ‘clean up’ your dietary habits to prevent a future heart attack? Surprisingly most people do not.
Did you know when you diet you are frequently sacrificing vitamins and minerals?
When you diet, you don’t just cut calories, you also reduce your intake of vitamins and minerals.
Standford University researchers evaluated the effects of different diets (Atkins, Zone, LEARN, and Ornish) of 300 overweight and obese women. The women reduced their daily caloric intake by 500 calories and all women reduced their overall vitamin and mineral intakes. Vitamin E was reduced the most – 65%.
Researchers were surprised to note that women following the Zone diet actually saw an increase in vitamin A, E, and K intake and no reduction in other nutrients.
When losing weight it’s important to not compromise your overall health. The best bet is a balanced weight loss plan you can stick with long term.
All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Here’s a few details on how the Health Care Reform Bill impacts Medicaid from a nutrition standpoint.
A 5 year grant will be established to provide incentives for implementing a healthy lifestyle. This includes weight loss, cholesterol reduction, diabetes prevention, and diabetes management. The grant will cover preventive services that are recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and will eliminate cost sharing for prevention services. The grant won’t be effective until January 1, 2011. (FYI – The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is established with the passing of the bill into law.)
High blood pressure is a serious condition that requires treatment. Here are answers to four frequently asked questions you need to know.
What is high blood pressure?
Blood pressure equals the force pushing against your artery walls when your heart beats and when it rests. The systolic pressure is the force against artery walls when your heart beats (contracts), while the diastolic pressure is the pressure against your artery walls when the heart relaxes (between beats).
High blood pressure is a reading equal to or greater than 140/90 mm Hg. A reading between 120-139/80-89 mm Hg falls within the pre-hypertension category. A blood pressure below 120/80 mm Hg is considered normal. High blood pressure is typically diagnosed after more than one elevated blood pressure reading.
Why is high blood pressure dangerous?
Have many diets have you tried . . . and failed? Are you ready to stop the dieting roller coaster and gain control of what makes you overeat?
Emotional eating is one of the major causes of overeating, weight gain, and weight regain and one that many traditional weight loss plans and diets fail to address. For many smart, busy women, it’s the root of their overeating problem.
Next week at the Virtual Health Retreat, Dr. Melissa McCreery will explain what emotional eating is, what you need to know about it, and how to prevent it from sabotaging your weight loss plans. She’ll also tell you the steps you can take to take control of your eating and begin to create effective and lasting change in your health and make peace with food.
Here’s a little of what she’ll be covering . . .
The poor quality of the typical American diet has lead to rampant nutritional deficiencies related to hypertension, heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, renal disease, diabetes, and obesity.
High blood pressure is due to a combination of genetics and your environment/lifestyle. Nutrients, including macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) play a central role when it comes to maintaining a healthy blood pressure as well as minimizing organ damage linked to high blood pressure. Balancing the nutrients in your diet for optimal nutrition dramatically impacts the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure. To effectively treat high blood pressure it is recommended you have a functional intracellular assessments.
What is a Functional Intracellular Assessment?