A study from the National Cancer Institute found individuals consuming the most red and processed meats at greater risk of death from cancer and heart disease versus those eating lower levels.
The ten year study began in 1995 and evaluated the dietary intake of over 500,000 men and women between the ages of 50 and 71. The study divided types of meat into three categories – red meat, white meat, and processed meat.
Red meat was defined as beef, pork, ham, bacon, hamburger, hot dogs, liver, pork sausage, and steak. As well as meats found in foods like pizza, stews, and lasagna.
White meat was classified as fish, chicken, and turkey.
Processed meat included white or red meats that were cured, dried, or smoked, such as bacon, chicken sausage, lunch meats, and cold cuts.
Individuals eating red meat at the highest levels consumed ~4.5 ounces per day based on a 2,000 calorie/day diet. This is equal to approximately 2 pounds of beef or pork each week. Compare this to the group with the lowest intake of red meat at 5 ounces per week or ~ 0.5 ounce per day.
Those with the highest intake of processed meat consumed approximately 1.5 ounces per day versus the lowest intake group at 0.11 ounces per day.
Men eating red meat at the higher levels each day had a 31% greater risk of dying and women 50% greater risk of dying due to heart disease. The study found that 11% of all deaths in men and 16% of all deaths in women could’ve been prevented by consuming the lower levels of red meat. Looking at just heart disease, death due to heart disease could have been reduced 11% in men and 21% in women if red meat intake was reduced from the highest level to the lowest.
A high intake of processed was linked to a 16% increased risk of dying for men and 25% increased risk for women.
This doesn’t mean you need to switch to a vegetarian diet. Individuals eating white meat had a slightly lower risk of death.
Possible reasons for the increased risk of death linked to eating red meat and processed meat maybe due to the carcinogens formed during cooking, iron in red meat causing oxidative cell damage, and/or saturated fat in red meat increased cancer risk and elevated cholesterol levels.
Here are some tips for making wise meat selections.
All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
How to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Steps
Your risk of heart failure is increased by a variety of factors, such as coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, and hypertension. What you eat has a major impact on these risk factors.
A new study was recently released in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association that supports eating whole grains to reduce heart disease risk.
The 13 year study evaluated the association between seven different food categories (fruits/vegetables, whole grains, eggs, high-fat dairy, nuts, fish, and red meat) and heart failure risk in over 14,000 adults. During the study, 1,140 adults were hospitalized for heart failure. The study found that heart failure risk was significantly reduced in individuals with a high whole grain intake. Heart failure risk was significantly higher in individuals with increased intake of eggs and high-fat dairy.
A much smaller scale survey of 800 American adults shows promising changes. The first diet and exercise survey conducted by the American Dietetic Association was in 1991 and the most recent in 2002. The goal of the survey is to measure current attitudes and behaviors toward diet and health and identify behavior changes over time.
Findings of the 2008 survey show that consumption of whole grains, vegetables, and fruit has increased, while trans fat, beef, pork, and dairy consumption has decreased.
Increased in the past 5 years:
Whole grains – 56%
Vegetables – 50%
Fruits – 48%
Low-fat foods – 48%
Omega 3 fatty acids – 38%
Decreased in the past 5 years:
Trans fat – reduced 56%
Beef – reduced 41%
Port – reduced 33%
Dairy – reduced 23%
Low-sugar foods – reduced 20%
The survey divided participants into three groups based on diet and exercise habits. Here are the divisions:
I’m already doing it – 43% (5% increase from 2002)
I know I should – 38% (8% increase from 2002)
Don’t bother me – 19% (13% decrease from 2002)
So, overall it looks like American’s are wising up. However, what’s important is you. Where do you fall? Are you increasing your whole grain intake, eating more fruits/veggies, and cutting back on trans fats? Are you doing what you need to, in order to reduce heart failure risk?
If you would like one-on-one help, please sign up for The Heart of Health ezine to stay up-to-date on the latest programs from dietitian Lisa Nelson. You’ll also receive the free report “Stop Wasting Money – Take Control of Your Health”.
All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Barley contains the same soluble fiber and beta-glucan as oats. Individuals who regularly consume barley have lower LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol.
A review of studies found the beta glucan in barley linked to decreased total cholesterol of 13 mg/dl, decreased LDL cholesterol of 10 mg/dl, and a reduced triglyceride level of 12 mg/dl. The review found no relationship between barley intake and HDL cholesterol. Beta-glucan is a type soluble fiber.
There are two types of dietary fiber – soluble and insoluble. You want to include between 25-35 grams of dietary fiber in your diet everyday. Of this, soluble fiber should make up 15 grams. Soluble fiber promotes lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels.
Barley nutrition is unique in that it contains fiber throughout the entire grain kernel. For most grains, when the outer bran layer is removed you’ve also removed the fiber. This isn’t the case with barley. Pearled barley is the easiest form of barley to find. Even though the grain is processed to remove the hull, bran, and some of the inner layer, it still provides 3 grams of dietary fiber in a half cup serving. Other varieties of barley include scotch or pot barley, barley flakes, quick-cooking barley, and hulled or hull-less barley.
Including barley as a regular part of your diet is a nutritious and simple way to promote heart health, lower LDL cholesterol, and lower total cholesterol levels.
Be sure to sign up for the free e-course How to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Steps.
All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Heart Healthy Tips
Here’s another question and answer from my February interview with Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane regarding the need for coenzyme Q10 to prevent heart disease.
Lisa Nelson RD: How much coenzyme Q10, if any, should individuals with heart disease supplement to see benefits?
Dr. Shelby-Lane: CoenzymeQ10-H2, also known as ubiquinol, is the reduced form of coenzymeQ10 (CoQ10) that is over five times more bioavailable than ordinary (standard) CoQ10. CoQ10 plays an essential role in providing energy to the body through the mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles found in all cells. There are between 100 and 300 mitochondria inside every cell, and they are responsible for over 90% of the body’s energy production. Mitochondria can truly be described as the cell’s ‘blast furnaces,’ and CoQ10 plays a critical role in the utilization of oxygen inside these mitochondria. CoQ10 also acts as an antioxidant to protect the mitochondria against the massive free radical production that occurs during the cell’s energy-producing respiratory cycle.
CoQ10 is produced naturally in all cells, but there is an age-related decline in CoQ10 production that has been linked to a wide variety of disorders in humans. Heart cells were the first cells discovered that suffered major declines in CoQ10 with age, but we now know that CoQ10 levels decline with age in almost all cells. It is vital for our health to supply dietary CoQ10 to offset the inevitable age-related decline in CoQ10 levels that occurs throughout the human body.
CoQ10 supplementation has been strongly linked to improved cardiovascular health in a wide variety of studies. It decreases peripheral blood flow resistance, especially in the microcirculation, which accounts for up to 90% of blood flow resistance. Numerous studies have also shown that CoQ10 can improve cardiac function, support healthy blood pressure, protect brain cells, slow aging markers, and shorten recovery times in power lifting and body building.
With CoenzymeQ10-H2 you can get the therapeutic benefits of higher dose coenzyme Q10 at much lower dosage levels.
Recommended Dosage: 50 mg to 300 mg standard CoQ10 per day with meals. Most manufacturers will not specify, so standard Coenzyme Q10 is still the most used. It may be difficult for the consumer to get the more concentrated so, so this value (50 -300 mg) is for standard CoQ10. Testing is the best way to know if you are getting adequate supplementation.
To be effective, you need to take enough CoQ10 to significantly raise its level in the blood to see any beneficial effect. The amount needed to do that varies among individuals, and also depends on the potency or “bioavailability” of the CoQ10 used. Some people get a good rise with 100 milligrams, whereas others need two or three times that much to attain the same blood level. Taking too little of this supplement won’t help you.
A typical dose for heart disease is 50 to 150 milligrams a day. However when heart failure is severe, up to 360 milligrams a day taken in doses of no more than 180 milligrams at a time may be needed. Experts say that “the sicker the cardiac patient, the weaker the heart, the higher the CoQ10 dose needs to be.”
Some researchers recommend 2 milligrams of CoQ10 for each kilogram of body weight (0.9 milligrams for each pound of body weight).
CoQ10 is fat soluble. To be effective, it must be taken with some fat for absorption. Take it with a little peanut butter or olive oil. If possible, take CoQ10 in the form of soft gel capsules. They are better than dry capsules or tablets.
Dosage is determined by measuring blood levels of coenzyme Q10.
Generally, people who have heart failure begin to see an improvement in symptoms in about four weeks, although some people may take as long as three months. Maximum improvement occurs after six months, which is longer than ordinary drugs take to exhibit an effect. Once started, you must take CoQ10 continually to maintain its heart-strengthening benefits.
CoQ10 is very safe. In a large Italian study, 22 out of 2,664 patients reported mild side effects. This comes out to be less than 1 percent. The typical side effect reported is mild transient nausea. No toxicity has been found, even at high doses, in animals or humans.
Important Caution
CoQ10 is not a substitute for conventional drugs. It is usually used along with conventional therapy for best results. You should do this only under the supervision of your doctor. Heart failure is a serious condition that should not be self-diagnosed or self-medicated. If you have serious heart disease, always consult a doctor for the proper course of treatment.
All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency
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Omega Q Plus supports:
Flaxseed is a great diet addition if you are looking to reduce your risk for heart disease. Flaxseed is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, and phytochemical lignans.
Flax is an option for individuals that dislike fish, but want to boost their intake of omega 3 fatty acids which are known to decrease heart disease risk by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Also, the fiber content makes meals “heavier” so you feel full longer, decreasing your likelihood to overeat. The fiber also promotes a lower LDL cholesterol level. Flaxseed lignans have been linked to cancer protection.
Aim for adding 1 teaspoon of flax oil to your diet each day or 1 tablespoon of milled flax. Adding flax to your diet is very simple. Here are a few options:
1. Flaxseed must be ground in order for your body to utilize the omega 3 fatty acids within, so buy your flaxseed ground and add to cereal, yogurt, salads, baked goods, and hot dishes. You are able to grind whole flaxseed with a coffee grinder or blender. Be sure to keep ground flaxseed refrigerated!
2. Flax oil can be used as part of a salad dressing or in recipes that call for oil. Flax oil contains the beneficial omega 3’s, but no fiber.
3. Use flaxseed as a recipe substitute for fat and eggs. Substitute 3 tablespoons ground flax for 1 tablespoon butter, shortening, or vegetable oil. To use flax in place of eggs, mix 1 tablespoon ground flax with 3 tablespoons water and let mixture set until gel like (1-2 minutes). Use mixture in place of 1 egg.
All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
How to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Steps
A few days ago, I shared a little information on the nutrient L-carnitine. I want to give you a few more details related to this nutrient.
Let’s review the function of L-carnitine. In order for the heart to pump blood it needs fuel. This fuel is produced in the mitochondria of your cells. The hearts preferred energy source is fatty acids. Coenzyme Q10 is needed for the production of ATP (fuel) within the mitochondria. L-carnitine is needed for the transport of fatty acids to the mitochondria. Most people with heart disease are deficient of coenzyme Q10 and benefit from supplementation. Some individuals with heart disease are also deficient in L-carnitine and will only see improvements if Coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine are supplemented together.
Even though your body can produce L-carnitine deficiencies do occur. A deficiency can be caused by aging, vegetarian diets, diet deficient in iron, diets low in the vitamins B6, niacin, and vitamin C, liver disease, kidney disease, and certain medications (such as anti-convulsant drugs). As I mentioned above, a damaged heart also promotes an L-carnitine deficiency.
Combined supplementation of L-Carnitine and coenzyme Q10 have improved many cardiovascular situations:
1. Angina
2. Congestive Heart Failure
3. Renal insufficiency
4. Arrhythmia
5. Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol, high LDL cholesterol, high triglycerides)
6. Leg Cramps
Some sources of L-carnitine include mutton, lamb, beef (red meat), and pork.
There are two forms of L-carnitine available at health food stores – fumarate and tartrate. So far, L-carnitine tartrate has been found to be more efficient for individuals with heart disease. New forms of L-carnitine are being researched and may become available, also.
While there are no known side effects from supplementing L-carnitine, always consult your physician regarding any and all supplements you currently take and/or would like to supplement.
All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Be Heart Healthy and Lose Weight