
Tips to Recover from Holiday Overeating

Why does holiday overeating make it hard to return to normal eating habits?

1 – Stomach is physically larger – Overeating causes the stomach to become enlarged and it can take more food to provide the same feeling of satisfaction.

2 – Lack of sleep – This is probably the biggest culprit for me. I do not usually get good nights sleep during the holidays as we travel between families. A lack of sleep leads to elevated levels of the hormone ghrelin which causes you to feel hungry.

So, what can you do to recover from holiday overeating?
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Portion Control at the Holidays: Will you succeed?

During the holidays it can be difficult to control how much we eat. When you attend gatherings with friends and there are all these new dishes you oftentimes want to sample some of everything. Then there are the desserts. . .how can you pass up on all these home cooked goodies?

It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible to stay on track. Let’s review some tips so you can avoid going overboard on portions:

1. Have a snack before attending a holiday party.

If you are going to be attending a holiday party it’s to not go on an empty stomach or work hungry. This will lead you to overeat on especially rich foods. Instead, go ahead and have a snack ahead of time, such as a piece of fruit or small handful of nuts.

2. Don’t eat in front of the TV.

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Healthy Holidays – How to Make Heart Healthy Choices When Traveling

Christmas is just around the corner which may mean a road trip for you. Here are a few tips on how to make heart healthy choices when on the road this holiday.

1. Fast Food Restaurants

Road trips frequently mean stops for fast food. Fortunately you can find nutritious options at several fast food restaurants if you order wisely. Select fast food places like Subway or Quiznos for sandwiches made on whole grain bread with lean meat and plenty of veggies. Salads are an option at many fast food restaurants, but avoid salads covered with tortilla chips, deep fried meat, and covered in dressing.

2. Convenience Stores

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How to Have a Heart Healthy 4th of July

The 4th of July is just around the corner, which for many of us means BBQ time!

Here are some healthy barbeque ideas so you avoid sabotaging your heart healthy diet:

1. Talk more than you chew.

You don’t have to have a loaded plate to enjoy yourself. Take the time to catch up with a friend. Enjoy watching the kids play. When it’s meal time let others serve themselves first. Select a smaller plate and fill it with the healthiest options limiting foods slathered in mayo, fried, and breaded. Sit down to enjoy the food versus mindlessly eating while standing around the buffet table.

2. Sip smart.

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Combat Holiday Weight Gain with a Battle Plan

The holidays can be a big hurdle in a weight loss/health plan. Holidays don’t mean you can’t enjoy the good food and desserts.

Here are 5 tips for a healthier holiday:

  1. Plan Ahead – It will help if you have a plan in place ahead of time. Decide if you are going to have seconds in advance and what you are going to have seconds of. For example, mashed potatoes and gravy can be loaded with calories and fat, so opt for seconds of a healthier salad or other side dish. Be sure to plan out the desserts, too. If pecan pie is a weakness, put in place a realistic plan. One slice and a cookie. . .?
  2. Low Calorie Snacks – While you are visiting and waiting for the main meal to be served, snack wisely. Select low calorie veggies to much on versus fatty appetizers. “Save” your calories for the meal.
  3. Socialize – Take the time during your holiday meal to catch up with family and friends. This will slow down how quickly you eat and are running back for seconds. You may find that you’re full and not need that second helping!
  4. Watch the Liquid Calories – A glass of wine can add 120 calories and egg nog 340! Do you really need a second glass?
  5. Prepare a Healthier Dish – Is your holiday gathering a potluck? If so, prepare a healthy alternative you like.

These are just a few steps you take to prevent holiday weight gain. Join dietitians Ursula Ridens RD and Lisa Nelson RD for the free teleclass “10 Secrets to Survive the Holidays Without Gaining Weight”. You’ll learn more about steps you can take to stop holiday weight gain and have your specific questions answered. Go to to sign up!