Lose Weight

Lose Weight with Chromium Picolinate?

A study was published this month in Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, indicating a link between chromium picolinate supplementation, increased satiety, and reduced appetite.

This was a study of 42 overweight adult women that were divided into two groups. One group received 1,000 mg of chromium picolinate daily and the second group received a placebo. The women that received chromium picolinate reduced their calorie intake, but did not report an increase in hunger. Women receiving the placebo did not reduce their calorie intake and reported increased hunger between 4-4 1/2 hours after lunch. This suggests that chromium picolinate may reduce physical hunger during times of caloric restriction. However, neither group lost a significant amount of weight during the 8 week study. The group receiving chromium picolinate lost about 1 pound, while the placebo group gained about 1 pound.

Chromium picolinate has been touted as a weight loss aid in the past, but it has never been approved by the FDA for weight loss. I’m sure many nutrition and weight loss products are going to use this recent research to amp up their marketing efforts to get you to buy!

Chromium is a trace mineral that occurs naturally in small amounts in foods, such as yeast, egg yolks, lean meat, cheese, and whole grain products. Chromium is known to play a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and enhances blood glucose control. An adequate intake of chromium for men and women is ~25-35 micrograms/day, with the RDA being set at 50-200 micrograms/day. So, 1000 mg (which was used in this study) is a substantial increase.

It will be interesting to see if future research continues to support this latest study findings.

To receive regular heart health and weight loss tips from dietitian Lisa Nelson, subscribe to The Heart of Health ezine and grab the special report “Stop Wasting Money – Take Control of Your Health” today!

Lose weight with a food journal.

Are you struggling to lose weight? Start keeping track of what you eat, when you eat, and how you feel before and after eating. You may be surprised by what triggers you to eat and how fast those little snacks add up.

A new study of 1700 overweight adults resulted in twice the weight loss for those who kept food records versus those who did not.

Receive quick “take action” tips when you subscribe to The Heart of Health ezine.

Start "slimming down" your recipes to cut calories and lose weight!

Here are a few simple substitutions:

Replace whole eggs with egg substitutes or egg whites.
Replace butter, oil, and margarine in sweet baked goods with fruit puree or applesauce.
Replace ground beef with ground turkey.
Substitute plain, low-fat yogurt in place of sour cream.
Instead of pastry dough, go with a graham cracker crust.

With a couple substitutions you can enjoy the foods you love without sacrificing your waist!

Receive regular heart health and weight loss tips when you subscribe to The Heart of Health.

All the best,

Lisa Nelson, RD, LN

Use the "talk test" to monitor fitness.

Have you been working out regularly, but not seeing the results you want?  Are you working hard enough?
A quick and simple way to check your workout intensity is the “talk test”. 
If you can talk with no trouble, pick up the pace.
If you can talk, but need to take a breath every 4-5 words, you’re right on track.
If you’re gasping for breath after every word, slow down!
Check yourself the next time you workout. . .you may need to find a higher gear!

All the best,
Lisa Nelson, RD, LN

P.S. Don’t forget to get your subscription to The Heart of Health!

The Heart of Health ezine launch!

Hi everyone,

I have decided to take this blog in a new direction.  I am launching an ezine – The Heart of Health – this coming Saturday (May 3rd).  This ezine will include a note from myself, weight loss and heart health information, and eNutritionServices program highlights. 

Exclusive to subscribers is the free report “Stop Wasting Money – Take Control of Your Health”  Learn to make your goals a reality!  If you would like to subscribe, go to https://www.lisanelsonrd.com/hearthealth.html and subscribe to The Heart of Health.

I will be using this blog as an extension of my ezine, where I can provide additional information and photos.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson, RD, LN

Questions. . . .

What is one thing you would like to learn about nutrition?  Do you have a question related to heart health, weight loss, or some other nutrition related issue?  Submit your question for possible answer in this blog or The Heart of Health ezine.

Easter is just around the corner.  I hope you all have a great holiday!

Lisa Nelson, RD, LN