
Heart Health: Are you selecting whole grains?

By selecting whole grains you consume more nutrient dense foods that provide higher fiber content . . . all of which equals a heart healthy choice. Whole grain products contain all layers of the whole grain – the bran, the germ, and the endosperm. When it comes to selecting whole grains, you have many more options than just being sure to grab 100% whole wheat bread when grocery shopping. There are many whole grain varieties available to you.


Oats almost never having the bran or germ removed during processing. This means when you read a food label and see oats or oat flour listed as an ingredient, it’s safe to know this is a whole grain ingredient. Oatmeal has been linked to lower cholesterol levels.
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How to Lower Cholesterol with Oatmeal

The whole grain oatmeal is linked to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, blood sugar stabilization, intestinal health and satiety.

Beta-Glucans to Lower LDL Cholesterol

1. Sponge.

Oats contain beta-blucan. Beta-glucan is a type of soluble fiber. Beta-glucan acts as a ‘sponge’, soaking up excess LDL cholesterol and removing it from the body. This is just one way beta-glucan works to reduce cholesterol absorption.

2. Decreases intestinal absorption of cholesterol.

Foods that contain beta-glucan tend to be bulky and cause the intestinal water layer to thicken and be more difficult for cholesterol molecules to penetrate and reach the intestinal cell layer for absorption into chylomicrons. Chylomicrons package cholesterol and carry it back to the liver where it is re-packaged and secreted as VLDL cholesterol. By reducing the amount of cholesterol that reaches the chylomicrons for absorption, beta glucan reducing circulating cholesterol levels.

3. High antioxidant content.

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