skin health

The Skin Issues That Could Indicate Poor Heart Health

Contributed by Ryan Peterson.


Photo by Vasiliy Skuratov

Who knew that your skin, your body’s largest and most fabulous organ, could be a tattletale when it comes to the health of your ticker? That’s right, people, your skin can be like that one honest friend who tells you that yes, indeed, those pants do make you look funny.

Now, before we jump into this, remember: I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. I’m just a curious soul with access to Google and a penchant for connecting dots – sometimes in a very abstract, Picasso-like manner. So, if you suspect something’s up with your heart, please see a real doctor and not just WebMD yourself into a frenzy.

Dry Skin: More Than Just a Moisturizer Issue

Let’s start with one that is maybe not so obvious: dry skin. We’ve all been there – slathering on lotion like it’s an Olympic sport. But did you know that extremely dry skin could be a sign of poor circulation? When your heart’s not pumping blood like a champion, your skin might throw a dry and scaly tantrum. It’s like your skin is passive-aggressively telling you, “Hey, I need more nourishment here!” But don’t worry yet because it could be something totally benign, for example, dry skin on side of mouth can be nothing more than the result of you licking your lips a lot!

What You Can Do

If you’re drier than a British comedy and it’s not just the winter weather or your love for hot showers, it might be worth a chat with your doctor. And maybe invest in a good humidifier.

Xanthomas: The Skin Bumps You Didn’t Sign Up For

Xanthomas, which sound like a villain in a sci-fi movie, are actually cholesterol-filled deposits that can appear on your skin. They’re like little yellow flags saying, “Hey, check your cholesterol levels!” They often pop up on eyelids, joints, and tendons and are about as welcome as in-laws on your honeymoon.

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