
Tips to increase HDL cholesterol

Raising HDL cholesterol levels is not too difficult, but it may involve lifestyle changes. Here are 4 steps you can take to boost HDL levels:

1. Exercise regularly – the more, the better
2. Increase your intake of fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids
3. Lose weight and/or maintain a health weight
4. Stop smoking

Be sure to sign up for the e-course How to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Steps at

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD

How to Prepare Healthy Meals Quickly

I am not a fan of spending hours in the kitchen to prepare a meal. I like my meals to be quick and easy to prepare. Here are a few tips to get in and out of the kitchen quickly with a well-balanced nutritious (and good tasting!) meal.

There are 3 core principles you need to have in place to prepare meals efficiently:

Keep it simple – Gourmet meals can be saved for special occasions. If you want to prepare a meal quickly opt for recipes with fewer ingredients that do not require elaborate preparations.

Make it a habit – Prepare the same meals on a fairly regular basis and you’ll be able to throw ingredients together without thought.

Multi-task – Now this is usually frowned upon, but when it comes to preparing a meal it’s good to juggle more than one task at a time, such as boiling water while you prepare the meat and veggies.

There is nothing worse than being in the middle of putting a meal on the table and realizing you are missing an essential ingredient. This is where menu planning comes into play. A little preparation one day a week can drastically save you time later!

Here are 5 tips for making quick yet healthy meals:

  1. Purchase vegetables, such as baby carrots and salad greens, prewashed and ready-to-eat.
  2. Select fruit packaged and pre-sliced.
  3. Use the microwave to cook vegetables quickly.
  4. Find recipes that require minimal cleaning and preparation of ingredients.
  5. Choose meats at the store with low levels of visible marbling (white, fatty streaks) to decrease time spent removing the fat.

If you have a good tip that works for you please share it below!

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD
Heart Healthy Tips

Weight Loss – 5 Tips to Stay Motivated in 2010

New Year’s is just around the corner and you know what that means. . .New Year’s Resolutions! Every year you set a goal to make a change for the better. This should be a time of great excitement; however, you may be approaching it with a sense of dread instead. Will you achieve your goal? Or will it end up being another resolution that falls to the wayside?

The statistics are not very encouraging. Most people give up on their New Year resolutions within three weeks. According to one discouraging study, only 8% of American’s actually achieve their New Year resolutions!

How will you keep yourself motivated and make this the year you achieve your goals?

Here are five tips to stay motivated:

1. Set realistic goals.

Set a goal you know you can achieve. If you are currently inactive, it’s unrealistic to set a goal to run 5 miles three times a week. Instead, set a goal you can achieve, such as “I will walk 30 minutes 3 days a week.” Realistic goals can be motivating because once you achieve your goal you can set a new one! This allows you to “see” the progress you’re making. Which brings us to the next important strategy. . .

2. Set measurable goals.

Measurable goals make it possible to track your progress. For example, instead of setting the goal “I will eat out less this year” change it to “I will eat out no more than once a week this year”. By setting measurable goals you can easily track if you are sticking with your goals.

3. Write your goals down.

Writing down your goals makes them “real” versus keeping a mental list. Post your resolution where you will see it everyday as a reminder and added motivation.

4. Tell a friend.

Share your goals with others. This provides a sense of accountability. It’s much easier to let yourself down, but when you’ve shared your plan with someone else, there’s often an increased desire to succeed.

5. Reward Yourself!

When you achieve a goal, reward yourself. It’s important to recognize your accomplishments and treat yourself. Just make sure your treat is in line with your goal. If you want to lose weight, this isn’t the time to treat yourself to an ice cream sundae. Consider other small rewards you’d enjoy, such as a good book, new music CD, or new pair of shoes.

As a special New Year’s bonus you’ll recieve a complimentary copy of the Calorie Counter for Dummies when you sign up for a Mini Diet Makeover. Learn more here –

All the best,

Lisa Nelson RD

Heart Health – How to Eat Heart Healthy During the Holidays

One major holiday down, one to go! So, how did you do sticking with your plan to be heart healthy and lose weight? Not so good, well don’t worry it’s not too late to redeem yourself.

Most people gain an average of 1 pound every holiday season. Now, what’s one pound? Doesn’t seem like that big of an issue, but the problem is most do not lose this extra weight. The pounds simply continue to add up year after year. It may take several years before you look at yourself and wonder “what happened?”

To prevent this (or reverse past events!), you must take steps to counteract all the extra calories that go along with the holidays. How? Increase your physical activity these next 4-6 weeks. Extra walks, longer workouts, increased intensity levels.

Adding an extra 120 minutes of activity each week (that’s less than 20 additional minutes/day), will burn an extra ~600 calories/week. That’s an extra 3600 calories burned over six weeks to compensate for the pecan pie, cookies, and alcohol. Of course, 3600 calories only goes so far. You must make wise decisions with the holiday meals, so you’re not consuming 3000-5000 calories in one day

The holidays can be a big hurdle in a weight loss and heart health plan. Holidays don’t mean you can’t enjoy the good food and desserts, but do so wisely!

Be sure to sign up for The Heart of Health and receive the FREE report Stop Wasting Money – Take Control of Your Health today at

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD

Combat Holiday Weight Gain with a Battle Plan

The holidays can be a big hurdle in a weight loss/health plan. Holidays don’t mean you can’t enjoy the good food and desserts.

Here are 5 tips for a healthier holiday:

  1. Plan Ahead – It will help if you have a plan in place ahead of time. Decide if you are going to have seconds in advance and what you are going to have seconds of. For example, mashed potatoes and gravy can be loaded with calories and fat, so opt for seconds of a healthier salad or other side dish. Be sure to plan out the desserts, too. If pecan pie is a weakness, put in place a realistic plan. One slice and a cookie. . .?
  2. Low Calorie Snacks – While you are visiting and waiting for the main meal to be served, snack wisely. Select low calorie veggies to much on versus fatty appetizers. “Save” your calories for the meal.
  3. Socialize – Take the time during your holiday meal to catch up with family and friends. This will slow down how quickly you eat and are running back for seconds. You may find that you’re full and not need that second helping!
  4. Watch the Liquid Calories – A glass of wine can add 120 calories and egg nog 340! Do you really need a second glass?
  5. Prepare a Healthier Dish – Is your holiday gathering a potluck? If so, prepare a healthy alternative you like.

These are just a few steps you take to prevent holiday weight gain. Join dietitians Ursula Ridens RD and Lisa Nelson RD for the free teleclass “10 Secrets to Survive the Holidays Without Gaining Weight”. You’ll learn more about steps you can take to stop holiday weight gain and have your specific questions answered. Go to to sign up!